New NC State Inspection Program
Did You Know...
...beginning November 1, 2008 the State of North Carolina began an NEW electronic inspection program?
...you no longer receive a window sticker to let you know when your next inspection is due?
...you will no longer be able to renew your registration until your vehicle passes its safety and/or emissions inspection?
...you may have your vehicle inspected up to 90 days prior to your annual vehicle registration due date, but it must be inspected no later than the last day of the month your vehicle registration expires?
...a record of your inspection will appear on the DMV database that police use to check registration information about vehicles?For more information, Call your Liberty Pontiac GMC Service Advisor or visit the NC DMV website. (image from NC DMV www.ncdot.org)
New NC State Inspection Program
Did You Know...
...beginning November 1, 2008 the State of North Carolina began an NEW electronic inspection program?
...you no longer receive a window sticker to let you know when your next inspection is due?
...you will no longer be able to renew your registration until your vehicle passes its safety and/or emissions inspection?
...you may have your vehicle inspected up to 90 days prior to your annual vehicle registration due date, but it must be inspected no later than the last day of the month your vehicle registration expires?
...a record of your inspection will appear on the DMV database that police use to check registration information about vehicles?For more information, Call your Liberty Pontiac GMC Service Advisor or visit the NC DMV website. (image from NC DMV www.ncdot.org)